Mealtime adventures are better with Bibado! Let our award-winning products make a difference to your weaning journey.

A great homemade cheese biscuit that is super easy and a perfect little on the go snack for your little ones to enjoy.
190g grated Red Leicester
50g butter
100g plain flour
1 tbsp marmite (optional)
1) Pre heat oven to 180 degrees
2) Mix all the ingredients in a food processor
3) Knead together then roll out the dough onto a lightly floured surface about 3mm thick
4) Use a circle cookie cutter to cut out the biscuits, then prod in some holes gather up the rest of the dough, roll out and repeat
5) Put the biscuits onto a baking tray lined with grease proof paper and
bake for 15 mins
6) Leave to cool on the tray then serve
7) Enjoy
This yummy recipe can be frozen for up to 3 months.
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