Mealtime adventures are better with Bibado! Let our award-winning products make a difference to your weaning journey.

Are you ready to add some egg-citement to your little one's mealtime? Eggs are a fantastic choice when it comes to introducing solid foods to your baby. They are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious and versatile option. However, they are one of the top allergens so please ensure you are following NHS guidelines when serving these for the first time.
Sit back and let us share with you three egg-cellent (pun intended!) ways to serve eggs during your baby's journey into the world of self-feeding.
Scrambled Eggs:
Let's start with scrambled or mashed egg. Whisk an egg in a bowl and add a splash of breast milk/formula. Heat up a non-stick pan over medium heat, and once it's warm and ready, pour in the egg mixture. Now comes the fun part – cook the eggs for a few minutes, gently stirring occasionally until they're beautifully scrambled. Remember, we want those eggs cooked through, so no runny centres for our little ones. You can cut the scrambled eggs into small, manageable pieces or serve them as finger food. And here's a neat tip: feel free to jazz up the scrambled eggs with some grated cheese for added nutrition.
“Boiled eggs are a perfect early food for babies – a runny boiled egg and bread or toast soldiers has been a favourite for babies through the generations! They work whether you are spoon-feeding your baby or following baby-led weaning. Just make sure your egg has the British Lion mark on when you’re serving your boiled egg runny. If you’re trying baby-led weaning, you can let your baby have a go themselves – chop and mash a lightly boiled egg in a bowl with some bread and butter and baby can feed themselves the eggy bread.”
Remember, every baby is unique, so feel free to adapt these ideas to suit your little one's preferences and needs. As always, it's essential to introduce one new food at a time and watch for any signs of allergies or intolerance's. And of course, never leave your baby unattended during mealtime, especially when they're exploring new foods like eggs.
Have fun experimenting with these three simple ways to serve eggs during your baby's weaning journey. Let your little one explore the different textures, shapes, and tastes while you cheer them on as their biggest foodie fan.
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